This week we had to write a letter to a prominent person about something we are passionate about. Here is my letter:
Dear Miley Cyrus,
I want you to know that I understand why you express your opinions so publicly on social media. As a celebrity, you have the power to influence others, for better or for worse. However, I think that before you start proclaiming that “abortion is healthcare” as a blanket statement you should probably take a moment to consider what that statement implies.
To start, I don’t entirely disagree with you. I believe that abortion should be allowed and available in cases of incest, rape, or health risk to the mother or baby. However, this isn’t an excuse to just have an abortion because you “want to” or “you’re not ready” or it was an “accident.” Sex is a big deal. There is a risk of pregnancy every time you have sex. If you are not willing to take that risk or take serious precautions to prevent it then to be honest you shouldn’t be having sex. You know the consequences. People use abortion as a way to escape from responsibility and be selfish.
I would never suggest that abortion should be completely illegal and banned. I think that would be naive and cause more problems rather than solutions. I’m not saying that Planned Parenthood shouldn’t exist, because they help people in so many wonderful ways that don’t have to do with abortion. But anti-abortion or pro-life is phrased as an “attack on freedom.” However, you are free to make choices, such as to have sex. But when those choices start to affect other people you are no longer entitled “freedom” to make choices for someone else. I think that people need to take more responsibility and understand the implications of abortion, which is murder.
A fetus is a baby. Saying the phrase “babies are not babies until they are born” is incorrect. A heartbeat can be felt. You can’t say that the person is not alive.
Imagine if you were aborted and never had the chance to live. You would never have the fame and life that you do now. And that wouldn’t have been a choice that you could have made. It would have been made for you and taken away your freedom.
Again, I’m not saying that abortion should be completely eliminated. What I’m saying is that it shouldn’t be supported and condoned just because someone doesn’t want to take care of a baby. People need to learn to take responsibility for their actions. I think that as a celebrity you can play a vital role in teaching people that abortion should always be a last case scenario and only for extreme circumstances. It shouldn’t be an option that we resort to just because we want to and we don’t want our lives to change.
I think that you would be a great voice to show people that there are people who support abortion under certain circumstances and have a more moderate view. This can help people realize that we don’t always need to have polarized opinions and fight and argue with each other because we don’t agree. We can find a solution. We can find common ground.
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