This week we had to write a letter to a prominent person about something we are passionate about. Here is my letter: Dear Miley Cyrus, I want you to know that I understand why you express your opinions so publicly on social media. As a celebrity, you have the power to influence others, for better or for worse. However, I think that before you start proclaiming that “abortion is healthcare” as a blanket statement you should probably take a moment to consider what that statement implies. To start, I don’t entirely disagree with you. I believe that abortion should be allowed and available in cases of incest, rape, or health risk to the mother or baby. However, this isn’t an excuse to just have an abortion because you “want to” or “you’re not ready” or it was an “accident.” Sex is a big deal. There is a risk of pregnancy every time you have sex. If you are not willing to take that risk or take serious precautions to prevent it then to be honest you shouldn’t be having sex. Y...